Sunday Morning


A brief spoken mass in our historic chapel, lasting about 50 minutes. No childcare available.


Sung Mass with incense in the main church, lasting about an hour and fifteen minutes. Childcare and Sunday School is available for children up to 5th grade. Join us afterward for Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall.


See what one of our 10am services looks like for yourself or even a past sermon. You can even join us live on Sunday mornings here.


We have parking available in four different lots on campus. The largest is the grass parking lot adjacent to the church property on Granada Avenue. Handicap parking is available in the two lots closest to the church. 

Children’s Sunday School

Check-in for children’s Sunday School begins at 9:45am in the Sunday School building. Children will be taught an engaging and age-appropriate lesson on the same Gospel passage that the adults hear in church. Parents may either request to have their children return to them midway through service for Communion, or pick them up when church lets out.

Rector’s Forum

Join us from 9-9:45am in the Education Building for a deeper dive on the day’s scripture lessons, led by the preacher.


Our worship follows a traditional liturgical style drawn from the Book of Common Prayer, which is rooted in the worship of the early Church. If you’re new to this kind of worship, there’s no pressure to ‘get everything right’, and everything you will need to know to follow along can be found in your bulletin, including when to stand, sit, or kneel.

Holy Communion

We believe in the real presence of Christ in the consecrated Bread and Wine. All baptized Christians who receive communion in their own churches and who come repenting of their sins are welcome to receive Communion at Trinity. If you do not wish to receive Communion you are welcome to come to the rail to receive a blessing instead, or to remain in your pew.

If you have any mobility issues, just let an usher know, and a priest will bring the Sacrament to you where you are seated. 

Coffee Hour

Join us after our 10am service for coffee and light refreshments in our Parish Hall. There’s plenty of space for kids to play and we’d love to get to know you!


Next meeting to be determined.

Hospitality and a welcoming spirit are hallmark of our parish.

First Steps is an opportunity for visitors and new members to meet with Trinity’s Rector, Fr. Chris Rodriguez and become better acquainted with Trinity Episcopal Church. This quarterly meeting is a time of personal interaction for those who are interested in learning about Trinity’s mission, ministries and programs. Come get plugged into Trinity with a cup of coffee and some pastries!

Visiting us for the first time?

We encourage you to fill out this welcome form. We look forward to meeting you!

Visiting us for the first time?

We encourage you to fill out this welcome form. We look forward to meeting you!

Sunday Eucharist Livestream

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