
February 9-15, 2025


Sunday, February 9th
Commitment Sunday
  8:00 AM: Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
  9:00 AM: Rector’s Forum in the Education Building
  9:45 AM: Sunday School & Childcare in the Parish Hall
10:00 AM: Holy Eucharist in the Church
11:30 AM: Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall (hosted by Alan & Susan Miller and Pete & Trish Jones)

Tuesday, February 11th
12:00 PM: Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
12:45 PM: Knitters Group in the Education Building
  1:00 PM: NO Midweek Lectionary Bible Study in the Office Conference Room

Wednesday, February 12th
  5:00 PM: Choir Rehearsal in the Music Building

Thursday, February 13th
  5:30 PM: NO Young Adults Group in the Office Conference Room

Saturday, February 15th
10:00 AM: Daughters of the King Monthly Meeting in the Education Building

Upcoming events

Sunday, February 16th
  8:00 AM: Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
  9:00 AM: Rector’s Forum in the Education Building
  9:45 AM: Sunday School & Childcare in the Parish Hall
10:00 AM: Holy Eucharist in the Church
11:30 AM: Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall
  4:00 PM: Daughters of the King Women’s Wine & Cheese Social in the Education Building

Monday, February 17th
Presidents’ Day: Church and School offices closed

Tuesday, February 18th
12:00 PM: Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
12:45 PM: Knitters Group in the Education Building
  1:00 PM: NO Midweek Lectionary Bible Study in the Office Conference Room

Wednesday, February 19th
  5:00 PM: Choir Rehearsal in the Music Building

Thursday, February 20th
  4:00 PM: Men’s Group in the Parish Hall
  5:30 PM: NO Young Adults Group in the Office Conference Room

Church News

Needed: Coffee Hour Hosts

We are in need of Coffee Hour hosts for February and March. If you are interested in hosting an upcoming Coffee Hour, either on your own or with another family, please sign up on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall.

If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Rodriguez at 772.567.1146 ext. 213 or email

Daughters of the King Women’s Wine & Cheese Social

Sunday, February 16th at 4:00 PM in the Education Building

Trinity’s Daughters of the King invite all women of Trinity Episcopal Church & School to their annual Women’s Wine & Cheese Social on Sunday, February 16th beginning at 4:00 PM in the Education Building. In a lovely and relaxing setting, this annual event is a wonderful way to meet the Daughters of the King and other women in the parish, and to spend time getting to know one another. If you would like to attend, please RSVP by Wednesday, February 12th, to Susan Miller, President, at We hope you will join us and we look forward to seeing you at the social!

Trinity Baseball Caps

In gratitude for your support of our 2025 Annual Fund, the Vestry and Fr. Rodriguez would like you to have a Trinity-branded baseball cap. Caps will be available this weekend, for you to choose from one of two styles (see above). Send us a selfie/photo of you and/or your family in your new caps to

Music at Trinity Concert Series: Pianist Dr. Lindsay Garritson

Sunday, March 2nd at 2:00 PM in the Church

On Sunday, March 2, 2025 at 2:00 PM, the Music at Trinity Concert Series will host internationally acclaimed concert pianist Lindsay Garritson.

Dr. Lindsay Garritson has performed throughout the United States and abroad since the age of four. She has appeared on stages such as Carnegie Hall, the Kennedy Center, and Place des Arts (Montreal), and has been featured as soloist with the Phoenix Symphony Orchestra, Charleston Symphony Orchestra, Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra, Las Colinas Symphony Orchestra (Texas), Orchestre Métropolitain (Montreal), Atlantic Classical Orchestra, Orquestra Sinfônica Barra Mansa (Brazil), the Yale Philharmonic Orchestra, and the European Philharmonic Orchestra, among others. Read more about this world-renown pianist at

This concert is open to everyone in the parish, as well as to the wider Vero Beach community. The concert is free of charge and no tickets are required for entry. We look forward to seeing you there.


Pastoral Care

Trinity’s clergy are available for Pastoral Care and to bring Holy Communion to our sick parishioners and shut ins. If you or someone you know needs Pastoral Care, please call the office at 772-567-1146.  If your call is after office hours, please press ‘1’ at main menu on the phone system and you will be connected to our on-call clergy.

Weekly Noon and Feast Day Holy Eucharist

Weekly Holy Eucharist is celebrated every Tuesday at 12:00 Noon in the Chapel. Trinity also celebrates Holy Eucharist on major Feast Days of the Church year on their annual feast day whenever they happen to fall outside of the regular Tuesday Weekly Mass Schedule. Major Feast Days will be added to the announcements the week before and the mass will be held in the Chapel at noon.

Trinity’s 10:00 AM Mass is Live Streamed Every Sunday

Trinity’s 10:00 AM Mass is live streamed every Sunday on the website at, Facebook and on YouTube. If you missed the sermon or would like to listen to it again, please visit our website and click on “Media” to access sermons and podcasts.

The Rector’s Forum

Sunday Mornings
The Rector’s Forum is held on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM in the Education Building. During the Rector’s Forum, the preacher of the day dives deeper into the Sermon topic. This is a Bible study that is interactive, extremely informative and highly educational. You will be amazed at how much you learn in a short time. So come to church with your Bible a little early, grab a cup of coffee and join your fellow parishioners. You will not be disappointed! 

Sunday School & Childcare

Trinity offers childcare in the Parish Hall for children ages 1 year old through Kindergarten from 9:45 AM until the Mass is over. Ushers in the back of the church can direct you to the rooms.

Trinity also has a Sunday School program for children ages PreK-3 through 5th grade, where children are taught an age-appropriate Bible lesson that is supported with songs, crafts, games and activities. The Sunday School Program begins at 10:00 AM, however, children are invited to arrive in the Sunday School at 9:45 AM.

Once Sunday School is over, children Grades 1st through 5th are brought to church to be with their parents for the remainder of the service, around the time of the Announcements. Children who are Kindergarten and under remain in Childcare until parents pick them up after the service. Sunday School is taught year-round, and children are welcome to join at any time.

Trinity also has a Little One’s Room and an Infant Room that is located in the back of the church that welcomes families with small children 24 months and younger. There, parents have the benefit of participating in the service in soundproof rooms while caring for their young children. The Little One’s Room is designed for children who are crawling through 24 months old. This room is equipped with rocking chairs, puzzles, and quiet toys. The Infant’s Room is an adjoining room designed for parents with infants so they can care for their infants while watching the mass via live stream on a large screen television. This room is equipped with rocking chairs and silent “reach” toys. Lastly, there is a bathroom located in between both the rooms that is equipped with a changing table.

Coffee Hour 

Sundays after the 10:00 AM Mass
Coffee Hour is held in the Parish Hall on Sunday mornings after the 10:00 AM service. Come grab a cup of coffee and a bite to eat, while welcoming visitors and getting to know other members of the church. Coffee Hour is also a great way to keep in touch with what is going on in the life of the Church. Families are encouraged to attend Coffee Hour. There are activities for children of all ages so kids can connect as well.

Please sign up to host Coffee Hour for a Sunday in the coming weeks, on your own or with another family. Sign up on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall, or contact Kathy Rodriguez in the office at 772-567-1146 or through email at

Coffee Hour items can be homemade or purchased, such as cakes and brownies, finger sandwiches, deviled eggs, cookies, fruit, cheese, bagels, etc. Items should be brought to the Parish Hall between 9:15 and 9:45AM already on serving platters, covered and ready to serve. Trinity has plates, napkins and serving utensils already on the tables. Rich Christie, Trinity’s Coffee Hour Emcee, will put your items on the tables for you. If your items need to be refrigerated, or you need additional serving platters, etc., please contact Kathy Rodriguez in the office at 772.567.1146 or through email at before the end of the week before you are scheduled to host and they will be provided to you.

Finally, a reminder email will be sent to Coffee Hour Hosts the Wednesday before they are scheduled to host. The email includes specific directions for when to arrive and where to bring your Coffee items on Sunday morning

Thank you for signing up to host Coffee Hour. Your fellow parishioners appreciate you so much!

Boys & Girls Choir 

Sunday Mornings
The Boys and Girls Choir rehearses on Sundays at 11:15am in the Music Building. If you would like your child to join the Boys & Girls Choir, or would like more information about the choir, please contact Darlene Rodgers at

New to Trinity?

For those who are new to Trinity, there are now many ways to provide contact details to receive information. There are Welcome post cards in the pews and Welcome Tables with QR codes that can be scanned to bring up a form. Alternatively, there are paper forms in the pews that can be filled in by hand and placed in the collection plate. Please contact Kathy Rodriguez in the office on 772-567-1146, Ext. 213, or email with any questions.

Prayer Requests

If you have someone that you would like to be prayed for by the Daughters of the King, please submit a Prayer Request either by scanning the QR code in the service bulletin or by filling in a paper form from the pews. You may also call the Church office on 772-567-1146, Ext. 214, or email Michelle Clevenger at to submit your request.

Hearing Aid Headsets Available

Hearing aid headsets are available in the church for all services. If you are interested in using a hearing aid headset, please see one of the ushers in the Narthex, and they will retrieve one for you and show you how to use the headset. At the end of the service, please be sure to return the headset to an usher on the way out of church. The headsets need to be recharged so that they are available for use for the following service.

Knitters Group Prayer Shawl Ministry

Tuesdays at 12:45 PM
The Knitters meet on Tuesdays at 12:45 PM in the Education Building. Anyone interested in making prayer shawls for those in need is welcome. The group has yarn and needles for those who want to learn to knit. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Anselmini at

The mission of the Trinity Church Prayer Shawl Ministry is to bring people of similar interests together to share in fellowship and to use our time and talents to produce prayer shawls that will be given away to help comfort those who need the loving hands of God surrounding them because of illness or grief. Each one is blessed by our priests.

Altar Flowers Sign-ups

Altar Flowers can be donated for any given Sunday of the year, except for during Lent and Advent, when there are no flowers on the Altar. Flowers can be donated “In Memory of” or “In Thanksgiving for” a loved one. For more information or to sign up to donate flowers, contact Michelle Clevenger in the office at 772-567-1146 or through email at

Interested in Becoming a Member of Trinity?

Are you interested in becoming a member of Trinity Episcopal Church? Becoming a member is easy! Online membership forms are now available on Trinity’s website at Click on the Contact tab and scroll down. If you prefer a paper copy of a membership form or you have other questions about becoming a member, please contact Michelle Clevenger in the office at 772-567-1146, Ext. 214, or through email at

Trinity Legacy Society

The Trinity Legacy Society consists of people who name Trinity Episcopal Church as a beneficiary in their final plans. Naming Trinity as a beneficiary is most commonly done as a bequest in a will; however, it can also be done in an IRA, retirement plan, through life insurance or other planned gifts. The method of giving and the amount of the gift are your choice.

If you are interested in learning more about Trinity’s Legacy Society and planned giving, call the office at 772-567-1146. Someone will contact you to give you more information on the Legacy Society and planned giving.

Parking on Sundays

Please note that the parking lots next to the Church and Chapel are for elderly and handicapped use only on Sunday mornings. Everyone else should use the parking lots behind the Parish Hall and the Triplex (across Granada). Thank you!

Office Hours

Monday through Thursday: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Monday through Friday: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Sunday Eucharist Livestream

Stay up to date

Be sure to read what exciting things are upcoming at Trinity Episcopal Church & School.