Clergy & Staff

Fr. Christopher Rodriguez
Fr. Christopher Rodriguez and his family came to us in 2012 from Trinity Church in Red Bank, NJ where he had served since 2007. Previously he was Curate at All Saints’ Church in Wynnewood, PA.
He is second generation Basque on his father’s side, his grandfather Rodriguez having immigrated to the United States during the Spanish civil war. He attended Pennsylvania State University graduating in 1991 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. In 1994, he earned a Master of Science degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology.
While working as a Sr. Systems Engineer for a large healthcare corporation, he was received into the Anglican Communion. Fr. Chris did his seminary work at Trinity Seminary in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. While enrolled as a full-time student, he also worked as the Director of Information Technology for the seminary.
He and his wife, Kathy, have three daughters. He enjoys spending time with his family, exercising, playing the guitar, reading (history and theology), and meeting new people.

Assistant to the Rector
Fr. Joshua Gritter
Fr. Joshua Gritter was born in Florida and raised in a large nondenominational church near Orlando. After graduating college, he was called to St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Lake Mary to serve as the Youth Director. It was during this time that he received instruction in Anglican liturgy and became enamored with the Prayer Book’s beautiful and reverent worship. Fr. Josh was called to Trinity in 2016 after experiencing the warmth and excitement of our parish. He is passionate about integrating the Christian faith with daily life and brings his enthusiasm for the glory of God to our community.
Fr. Josh earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Palm Beach Atlantic University, a Master of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary and an Anglican Studies Certificate from Nashotah House. He also has a Master of Arts in Mental Health Counseling from Asbury Seminary. He and his wife Amy have two young sons Gabriel and Asher.

Assistant to the Rector
Fr. Ryan Jordan
Fr. Ryan Jordan began his studies at North Central College in Naperville, Illinois, receiving a Bachelor of Arts in East Asian Studies & Japanese in 2013, followed by graduate studies at St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico where he received a Master of Arts in the Liberal Artsin 2015. Finally he completed his Masters in Divinity at Nashotah House Theological Seminary in 2019. Since then he has served as curate and associate at St. Philip’s Episcopal in Frisco, TX, and St. David of Wales Episcopal in Denton, TX. He is now serving at Trinity since January of 2023. Fr. Ryan and his wife Mallory currently have one son, Caedmon, and two cats. In their free time they enjoy singing, going for long walks, playing board games, and experimenting with lots of fermented foods.

Head of School & Director of Music
Dr. Anthony Baron
Dr. Anthony Baron has been serving the Church through musical prayer since joining his local parish’s children’s choir in first grade. It was through singing in church choir that Dr. Baron developed a love for hymns and praising God through song.
After relocating to Vero Beach in 2017 to serve as Director of Choral Music at the Saint Edward’s School, Dr. Baron was honored to be called to serve as Associate Director of Music/Choirmaster at Trinity Episcopal Church. Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church Michael Curry asks Christians throughout the world to “[reorient their lives] around the teachings of Jesus, and around his very spirit.” At Trinity Episcopal Church the vital role music has in traditional Anglican liturgy for all seeking to reorient themselves to Christ’s presence and offer praise and honor to God is recognized. For a church musician, this creates many opportunities for not only musical but spiritual fulfillment.
Dr. Baron lives in Vero Beach with his wife Beverly, a singer and voice teacher. He is a graduate of Westminster Choir College (B.M.) and the Eastman School of Music (M.M., D.M.A). Dr. Baron has served in music ministry roles in parishes throughout New Jersey, New York, and Michigan. He has been on the teaching faculties of the University of Rochester, Nazareth College, and Cranbrook Schools. In his free time, Dr. Baron enjoys swimming, travel, and enjoying a nice dinner with friends old and new.

Dr. Neal Campbell
Dr. Neal Campbell came to Trinity in November 2015 from Saint Luke’s Parish in Darien, CT. Previously, he held church and synagogue positions in Washington, Philadelphia, the New York City tri-state region, and Virginia, where for 21 years he was organist and choirmaster of St. Stephen’s Church in Richmond. He was also on the faculty of the University of Richmond for 10 years.
He grew up in Washington, DC and attended the University of Maryland where he sang in the renowned University Chorus. He studied organ with William Watkins and Paul Callaway, and piano with Roy Hamlin Johnson. He subsequently earned graduate and undergraduate degrees at the Manhattan School of Music where, in various capacities, he studied with several leading organists in New York, including Frederick Swann, John Walker, James Litton, McNeil Robinson, Paul-Martin Maki, Arthur Lawrence, Eugenia Earle, and Alec Wyton. He earned the D.M.A. degree in 1996, for which he wrote his dissertation on the life and works of the New York composer-organist Harold Friedell.
Dr. Campbell is a member of the Treasure Coast Chapter of the American Guild of organists, of which he is the past dean. He is also a member of the New York City Chapter of the AGO which he served in various leadership capacities before moving to Florida. He served three terms on the AGO national council representing Region III. He is also a member of the Organ Historical Society, the Association of Anglican Musicians, and the St. Wilfrid Club of the City of New York.

Director of Parish Life &
Children's Ministries

Director of Marketing
& Communications
Alice Beukers

Executive Assistant
to the Rector
Alyssa hiser

Sally Nicholas

Administrative Assistant
Michelle Clevenger

Maria Jenkins

John Tessier

Building and Grounds
Rich Christi

Building and Grounds
Jeff Lilley

Sunday School & Childcare
Lindsey Schrader